Energy Future



Solar is harnessing the power from the sun  which is a is a Pro and a Con,
Its benefits are great when the sun is shining but when the clouds comes over or at night then it is ineffective.
Pros: Effective when sun is shining
Con:Not Effective it only works during full sun and even dirt on panel reduces it effectiveness. 


Wind is very simple. Wind blows a turbine which then goes into the power grid but this only works at certain times when it is windy making it not a reliable future energy source.

Pros: Natural Resource
Cons: Has to be windy, very noisy and not large scale.


Hydro is the world largest renewable energy source but also the one that has caused many disasters because of their design. Water flows over a turbine and spins it and in some cases it blocks flow of water so it is a constant supply. This is not the most environmentally friendly, because it can cause species that travel down rivers to become extinct and also can damage to rivers and their flows (such as the Snowy River Scheme)
Pros: Great source of energy and is renewable
Cons:Water doesn't flow all year and environmental damage from construction is great.


Wave and tidal are new technology and could work becuase water and tides are so predictable for the next too hundred years although it and you have to have huge amounts for it to be large scale.
Pros: Highly Predictable
Cons:Large sea area required.


Geo-Thermal power is possibly the most interesting renewable because it generates a reasonalble amount of power while being almost infinite in supply and uses the same heating technology as coal-fired while not burning anything. The only hard part is getting it which involves drilling. Becuase the power is steam coming from inside the earth's core which is exposed and turns a turbine.
Pros: Renewable and Efficient
Cons: Digging and Techology is not completely proven and fully available. there are limited geothermal sites in the world.


Bio Fuel is an interesting mix of both renewable and no renewable, It is burning plant matter such as sugar cane. The sugar cane can grow again while  it is buyrned once and not ifininite and is not the mksot evrionmnally friendly
Pros: Renewable,
Cons; Envriomentally friendly and the amount of energy going into growing the cane.


Bio-Mass is the newest technology so rthe least is know about it although it is possibly a great investion although everly signs say it is not right for mainstream power.
No Pros and Cons becuase such new technology



Coal is Australia's largest power source and we are the most dependent on coal in the world. Coal Power is created by burning coal which heats water which turns a turbine. 
Pros: Highly reliable and will last a long time and appears to be very effective
Cons: Not infinite resources and we are heavy dependent on coal. Causes greenhouse gases.


Gas is also plentiful down under and it is almost the exact same as the coal power plant.  The gas burns and turns a turbine or water is heated.
Pros: Reliable
Cons: More explosive and non-renewable


This is one of the more controversial selection with people. It produces more energy but is much more dangerous but I do belive it is more effective and we seem to have learned from our mistakes in places such as Chernobyl. But these days we have better understaning. Nuclear is the radiation from unrianium released and harvested. It releases lots of power but it creates nuclear waste.


Petrolum is one of more uncommon fuel sources for power generation, but in places which have more plentiful reasources such as the Middle East oil is used. It is burning oil like in your car and then steam turns a turbine.
Pros: Reliable and understood
Cons: Limited supply, which is starting to run out and increase in price.

Renewable World Wide Power Usage Graph
