Energy Future

Beyond The Question

After Defining and Reconstructing the question you find that teh question is huge and massivly complex so we break it up into Sub-Topics or Sub-Questions and here are mine:
Science is about how power work and the system and the specifics are 
-How is electricity generated?
-Where does the power from (Two Parts, Locations of Power plants and what it uses eg solar, nuclear, coal etc)?
-How much is lost getting from the power station to your house 
-Grid System, How it gets form the power system to your house,m alos if you inputr power into the system ie Solar.

-The future question, Population growth and energy demands and where are going to fix that problem meaning also what has to be done.
-If we do adopt new technowogy such as Nuclear is it safe from a environmental and heatlh point of view.(The Trillion dollar idea)
-Ecological events such as storms and their effect on the system
- Area of wealth use more power, (Can I go global? 3rd world vs 1st world.) Possibly local