Energy Future

Answering the big Question

Going Back to the original question How is power supplied to Brisbane households and will this supply work in all seasons into the future. In the immediate future we have enough power, tomorrow we have enough power, next week we have enough power, this summer we have enough power to meet peak demand and in the next ten years we have enough power but it is the battle of supply and demand. In the future we will have more people in Queensland and we will have more people in the world and we have to continue providing electricity to keep our standard of living. 

There is no new energy source that is the golden ticket for power. We as Australians are the most dependant nation on earth for coal and once that runs out many, many years into the future, we need another large scale fuel source. That’s the same issue in many other industries such cars, we are running out of oil and prices are going higher and higher and if we compare with the last ten years we have had continued growth. For energy since 1990 we have increased demand by 72%, and in the next ten years we will probably grow double that again and it will keep going and going and energy companies have to be ready for this demand and have excess supply in the system. The future of power is with the consumer (demand) and the power companies hand (supply).  We as the consumers have to buy more efficient appliances such as LED lights and TV, which in the future the government needs to put in more incentives for us and for the power companies creating a better system and better response to demand with power stations which respond accordingly.

That ties nicely into the environmental aspects, almost all environmental damage caused to power supply are natural disasters such as floods, extreme heat or fires and the damage done to the environment is caused by man. Human error was the main reason in all power station disasters such as Chernobyl were caused by humans (in that case unauthorized tests).

For the future we need a better solution than coal and this is going to be a great race for the future, the energy race. Trying to create a power of almost infinite quantity and almost infinite supply and when this will happen? If I could predict that solution I would be bigger than Bill Gates but I can't. We are focusing on the wrong idea of using mother nature in my opinion it is not effective solar only works when the suns shines and wind only works when the wind blows that’s why there isn't mass adoption, because they are not effective in large quantities but people do think they are because of misinformation.

Overall, this is going back to the battle of supply and demand.  If we have too much supply then we are inefficient and if have too much demand the price goes up and up and then people start to lose power and this will really annoy people. Overall I have stated that we do have enough power for the next ten years, particularly with gas projects emerging, and if we keep getting supply and demand through accurate forecasts then we should be fine until we run out of coal (Which wil not happen in the next ten or even 100 years).  Queensland, Australia and the world needs a new fuel for power generation, but so far there has been no large scale, cost-effective perfect solution available