Energy Future


Welcome to Riley Quinn's Independent Investigation Website. The independent investigation is our focus for a whole term in Year 7 in which we find a topic such as Energy, Pandemics, Noise Pollution or even the Murray Darling Basin. Then we chose a specific question relating to our chosen topic.

I chose energy as my topic and my main focus is How is Electricity supplied to Brisbane households and can our supply meet electricity demands in all seasons into the future. We have to research all elements of our topic, break it down into sections and reassemble it. After that we have to organize our information in various ways and now finally we have to display the information in an appropriate format.  I have chosen a website because there are many aspects which are relevant to the question, which can be easily displayed on a website.

Have Fun and Play around the Site
Riley Quinn 7A (Creator)

No Brisbane!

For this task I did some basic reading early on and discovered that it would be impossible to get accurate data on Brisbane for power because we are part of an inter-connected grid which connects all of Queensland and Northern NSW if we want to so I asked Mr Grice and I have been allowed to use data for Queensland instead of just Brisbane.