Energy Future

Understanding What Complex Reasoning Process to Use

A complex reasoning process is making judgements and processing complex data such as power usage increase and population increase or wealth of a country. The complex reasoning process is making sense of that data and creating relationships between that data to create important information and analysis. The complex reasoning process I have chosen is identifying and applying patterns and this is for understanding and creating reason from the following data.

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I have uploaded two excel spreadsheet, the difference is location. The first one is for Australia and the second one is for Queensland and I have power usage and population growth from credible sources.

But What's the Point?

The point is that I have understood data and I have created meaning from it and then created opinions based on that data. I can formulate opinions by finding a pattern, which is that we are increasing in population and it will keep growing, and I have applied that data to future power and it has revealed a pattern that power usage keeps going up with population. (Analysis found here)

The Pattern

Looking at both those data sets, I have seen that we have enough power to meet Queensland's (including Brisbane's) summer and winter peak demand for the next ten years. My other research indicates that we have a very coal dependant electricity system, but with limited scope for more renewable sources such as hydro or wind power.

Going Furthur

Making this data extend much more is quite difficult because reliable data is available only for the next ten years to 2020.